High-end apparel brand seeks equity for its e-commerce platform

Company, founded in 2018 and headquartered in The Netherlands, ideated and blueprinted a global e-commerce platform to benefit its high-end apparel and footwear brand (and possibly other high-end brands in the future).
Strategic choice for e-commerce
Apparel and footwear E-commerce has grown spectacularly with a compound annual growth rate of 24% over the last five years and will continue to grow strongly with 13,8%, by further dismantling (the market share of) traditional channels.
High-end apparel and footwear online only
Company’s offering is sustainable, disruptive and based upon a foundation of amazing imagery, art, premium garments and online only, enabled by a scalable and robust backbone. A backbone that might be of crucial interest to other high-end brands in the near future.
Equity investors
Next to its own cash, as well as past and future non-charged fee investments (totalling appr. 1.9M Euro) the executive team of this company seeks equity investors for the amount of 5M Euro, predominantly used for platform development and related working capital. Company offers a substantial share participation or an agreed multiple for equity investors.
Company expects gross sales in excess of 65M Euro in 2025, with an EBITDA of appr. 15M Euro.
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